The Ellipse Harmonic Egg.

Ancient Energy Medicine with Cutting-Edge Technology. A resonant chamber that delivers a bio energy therapy that restores the body’s balance and promotes healing.

The Ellipse Harmonic Egg and it’s incredible healing benefits.

In Person & Remote healing sessions available.

  • Relaxation therapies have been shown to improve overall health, including both the body’s ability to heal and the mind’s ability to cope with stress and anxiety.

    The Harmonic Egg is an energy therapy that helps bring about a meditative state and a sense of relaxation and peacefulness. The client experiences 50 minutes of gradually deepening relaxation while being enveloped in the resonant vibration of music and coloured lights.

    Clients tell us that they have experienced relief from the hypervigilance of PTSD, and from career, relationship, and health-related stress and anxiety. Those who have experienced physical trauma often carry stress in their bodies as muscle memory. Because the Harmonic Egg is a no-touch modality, it seems to provide more relief than other modalities for these clients.

  • Pain is a warning signal from the brain. To experience pain relief, the brain and autonomic nervous system must be satisfied that no warning is necessary.

    The Harmonic Egg works with the body’s own energy coursing through the nervous system to calm and rebalance energy. With this "frequency medicine" we have seen significant pain relief, a reduction in inflammation, and a general improvement in physical healing among clients.

  • Tackling Cognitive Difficulty with Colour and Sound-Chromotherapy for Focus!

    Those who face life with brain injuries, autism, learning disabilities and diseases like Parkinson’s often find little help through traditional medicine. Many alternative therapies fall short, as well, because they focus only on dietary needs, the causes of inflammation, and stress and anxiety instead of balancing the entire autonomic nervous system.

    Bio healing and energy therapy employed through the Harmonic Egg provide an alternative that can re-establish balance within the nervous system. For many clients, several sessions in the chamber of the Harmonic Egg provides a system reset that results in greater focus and clarity as well as alleviating stress and anxiety and improving sleep.

  • Clients tell us that they have experienced relief from the hypervigilance of PTSD, and from career, relationship, and health-related stress and anxiety. Those who have experienced physical trauma often carry stress in their bodies as muscle memory. Because the Harmonic Egg is a no-touch modality, it seems to provides more relief than other modalities for these clients.

    The relaxation that this resonant frequency therapy (the Egg) provides may also contribute to better health, when stress and anxiety are a contributing factor.

    We have even had clients with undiagnosed “mystery illnesses” experience healing with the Harmonic Egg’s sound and light therapy. The body has a great capacity to heal itself. The Harmonic Egg helps to focus that healing energy in ways that can lead to better health and a better life.

  • The Inner Ear Is the only Sense Organ to Fully Develop before Birth.

    "Prenatal maternal stress, anxiety and depression have been associated with increased risk for attention deficits in the child, as well as learning difficulties, behavioral problems, anxiety, asthma, and traits that predispose to addiction."

    - Gabor Matè

    The Harmonic Egg uses sound, light and vibration to help calm the nervous system and bring balance to the body, mind and spirit. This 50 minute session offers 40 minutes of calming music as you sync your intention and visualize a perfect baby and 10 minutes of silence with lights to tune into yourself and connect with the life growing inside you.

  • Veterinary Alternative Medicine for Dogs and Cats

    Remote/virtual Ellipse® sessions are usually what we recommend for pets (and for humans who cannot make the trip to a Harmonic Egg® / Ellipse® location.)

    If employing a remote session, a photo of the pet is placed inside our Ellipse. The pet and its owner should remain in a safe, quiet space during the 50-minute session. They may also wish to experience the Harmonic Egg® / Ellipse® music while they relax in their remote location.

Remote Healing with the Harmonic Egg Ellipse.

We have the option to do Remote Healing or Distance Healing sessions for those who are unable to physically attend a session with the Harmonic Egg in Playa Del Carmen.

All we need is a suitable photo, full birth name, and date of birth of the subject; person, pet or place. Please get in touch if you have any questions.

  • For those that cannot physically attend a session with the egg, we can use a photo, full birth name, and birth date, to provide a quantum energetic connection and intention to your unique energy signature. Intention is everything when it comes to energy healing.

    During your session time it’s important to be in a space that is calm or quiet to receive the full benefits of the remote healing.

  • The Harmonic Egg Ellipse engages energy therapy and technology to deliver positive, life-changing results. Because the Harmonic Egg Ellipse delivers a natural, holistic energy therapy designed to help the body heal itself, our many clients have found it to be helpful for a wide variety of health issues.

    Adults and children have experienced relief from anxiety and difficult emotional issues, injuries and pain, spiritual dissonance, mental and developmental disorders, and illness. Even pets respond positively to energy therapy using the Harmonic Egg Ellipse.

    Please email to discuss the requirements of your remote sessions. 

Vitality from within.

  • Energy therapies have been used since ancient times. These methods of treating afflictions of the body and spirit are part of Asian healing practices like acupuncture, yoga, and Qigong. All operate based upon the theory that illness is the result of blockages or imbalances in the body’s life energy. These healing techniques work to unblock or rebalance that life energy.

  • The Harmonic Egg® / Ellipse® is sound and light therapy that operates under similar principals. Using frequencies and vibration emanating from music and light within a resonant chamber, the Harmonic Egg® / Ellipse® guides a person to a state of supreme relaxation. Some have likened this to achieving “shavasana” in yoga.

  • Reclining in a zero-gravity chair within the chamber, a person is enveloped in highly-resonant music and colored light. Both light and sound can be customized based upon the type of healing that the client desires to achieve. Using a technology like the Harmonic Egg® / Ellipse® allows the client to receive a session that is consistent with each visit and which is not dependent upon the emotional or physical strength of the provider or the client.


Anxiety & Stress

  • Apr 20, 2023

    "The Rocky Mountain Harmonic Egg has changed my life. It has such an incredible ability to shift energy and raise the vibration in the being. I noticed it after the very first time I went in. Since then, I have been in several times (20, if we're really counting 😁).

    Sometimes it's hard to recognize a lifetime state of dis-ease or discomfort in the body until the absence of it makes it glaringly obvious. I have been in a state of fight, flight or freeze since childhood. Since I began my sessions in the egg, I have noticed a peace that I never knew I could feel. Each time I experience the egg I notice that I am calmer, I feel more peace within my core, I am happier, more patient, I sleep better... the list goes on. My being is balancing out. ...and what an amazing feeling it is! True inner peace... it really exists!

    As someone who plays the Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls regularly, my experiences in the egg have changed the way I facilitate my sessions in such a beautiful way. It has allowed for more energetic shifting within my self and, in turn, those who experience the sessions I facilitate.

    I am so thankful for the experiences I have had and I have so much appreciation for Fiona and her strong intuitive guidance. Thank you, Fiona, for bringing this amazing Harmonic Egg to Cochrane and for being so good at what you do. Much gratitude and appreciation!

    See you again, soon! 😁🙏💖" Jessica

  • Apr 20, 2023

    "I love the Egg. Everywhere I go I tell people about it. Fiona is amazing, with a heart of Gold. I find her as healing as the Egg. I have used the HE to help me detox heavy metals while I was removing all my mercury fillings. I have seen incredible gains with my health and anxiety. Since the first session in November I have not had a single panic attack. I am a completely different person from 6 months ago. Thank you!!" Jenna

  • "When I was in the midst of a journey through complex post-traumatic stress disorder. a result of several traumas I experienced as a police officer. I was introduced to a therapy that was experimental at that time. which is now the gold standard and go to treatment. I became a sound therapist using many different tools to work with my clients including Solfeggio-calibrated tuning forks, Native American drums, gongs, and metal and crystal singing bowls.


    Especially with regard to high levels of stress, distress, and post-traumatic stress were astounding - the power of sound cannot be denied and the peer-reviewed scientific research is validating this Truth.

    A couple of years ago I was introduced to the Harmonic Egg, an upgraded technology on something that was available in the 60's and has now been refined and significantly enhanced by the engineer and designer, Gail Lynn, and it is very exciting to know that this is being offered right here in our beautiful community by Mary Hastings.


    The Harmonic Egg stands out in the world of sound therapy because of its ability to take the healing power of sound and increase its effectiveness. nI my vast experience I've not found its equal for rapidly calming sympathetic nervous system dominance by putting us into parasympathetic restoration. That's a fancy way of saying it works quickly to restore balance to the body. mind and Spirit.

    As a retired police officer, I don't give endorsements lightly. Any modality of healing or technology is put to the test. Few make the grade. but in the case of the Harmonic Egg, it has earned the endorsement and personal recommendation." Rodger Ruge, CHPC Podcast Host at

  • "I was a bit skeptical about the whole “Egg” concept and very anxious on my first visit. Deborah and Ryan made it nothing less than comfortable for me talking through every single fear of the “unknown” that I had. My first visit opened up my nasal passages allowing me to breathe like I haven’t been able to since my car accident and brain injury 6 years ago. I lost my sense of smell from the time of the accident but can now smell strong smells which is a whole new world for me! Something I thought I had lost forever! I have done three sessions in the past few months foregoing my regular treatments of chiropractic and massage and I am elated to report that I am seeing such incredible results that I am going to be a bi-monthly regular as it seems to be a much safer, calmer, non-invasive approach than my other avenues I’ve been doing. It is much like going in for a massage but no one is touching you! I love my time in the “Egg” to just decompress, relax, let go and release all the tensions, worries and anxieties I carry daily. Give it a try! You won’t be disappointed. I promise." Kelly M (Rocklin, Ca)

  • "My sleep had been very poor for a few years related to work-related stress. It was difficult to fall asleep, stay asleep, and go back to sleep after I'd awaken during the night.

    I realized that I had stopped dreaming because I didn't sleep long enough. That made me look for something beyond a pill or potion. I was slightly anxious about feeling claustrophobic the first time, but found it cozy, comfortable, and deeply relaxing. I slept that night and had a dream!" B.Y.

Emotional Release

  • At first I was hesitant to go in. After my 3rd session, I didn’t want to come out! I felt a surge of presence coupled with an awareness that the past was gone each time I reentered the world. This therapy assisted the release of emotional attachments allowing my decision making abilities to soar.

    Love, Sarene, on-site yoga instructor at Island Dolphin Care in Key Largo, FL

  • I have done so much work and healed so much... this is way next level. Highly recommend... for me the egg cuddle and nurtured me like a mother and rocked me back and forth as I slowly was grounded and then taken to where all the loving support of the universe lives. I was looking for love and was showed answered to things that are in my mind. I was so grounded and released so much I cried thru the whole session. The tears were just coming down as i was just being cuddle in this love energy. My third eye was opened like never before and I was shown the huge support team I have...I felt alone.. and then I was showed I never am.. truly magical highly recommend. ✨️ I will continue this journey. Peace, love, support, grounding.. exactly what my being needed today. Mahalo❤️❤️❤️

  • Discovering the Harmonic Egg last year was such a game changer for me! Knowing that everything is energy and our reality is largely dictated by the frequency we can hold, the Egg is an amazing healing modality that can lift your vibrational frequency up to new levels. Reach out to Realign Your Life Wellness Center for more info - you won’t regret it! Scott

  • The Harmonic Egg is a game changer. My onsite session brought forth exactly what I need to heal. After releasing a wave of grief, I saw a vision of the beautiful future that awaits in vivid detail. I've never experienced anything as powerful to push me forward on my path. Thank you, Donna for a profound experience.

    Debra Mae Ste

    Tue 12 Sep 2023

  • (Vie Universoul Wellness) I have been experiencing many ups & downs over the years stemming from past family related traumas, on top of the busy stresses of life & being a mother of 3. I would often feel stuck in these heavy emotions & feel like giving up. After experiencing the Harmonic Egg, I felt a sense of calm I hadn’t felt in years. It felt like it was able to reset me, help me let go of anger, & bring me back to a state where I felt calm & like myself. Any time challenging circumstances arise in my life, I feel a sense of peace knowing I have the Harmonic Egg to help me manage my stress, emotions, or physical issues. - Julieann A

Mental Health

  • I highly recommend . . . If you are experiencing, depression, stress, fatigue, pain, or any symptoms associated with your mind-body-spirit (past or present), that you make an appointment with Sandy Schneider at Mind Body Harmonics, in Kihei (in person or remote). My first in person appointment in the Harmonic Egg had to do with extreme emotional and mental trauma, due to four of my dear friends dying within a few weeks. (This was before the devastating Maui fires.) For five days, my entire body inside and out shook. I couldn't concentrate or work, I wasn't eating or sleeping well. I was depressed. People had never seen me in this condition. As I laid in the Harmonic Egg with the sound and color light frequencies, I could feel the heavy energy moving out of my chest, body and head. When I finished my session my entire Being was at peace and back in balance.

  • I went into the Egg with an open mind, not knowing what to expect. Right away, I felt relaxed and a sense of calming energy come over me. Sandy is great to work with and will help you get the most from your experience. I kept my eyes closed during the session, which allowed me to go inward and live in the space of clarity. I literally experienced visions of Clarity and the power to letting go of any thoughts or ideas that no longer serve me. The Harmonic Egg is the best way to bio healing your mind & body! ~ Michelle

  • This was a great experience! Sandy was easy to talk to and made me feel comfortable. She explained why she got into Mind & Body Harmonic and what to expect. The chair in the pod is very comfortable and a nice blanket is provided. I found the music very relaxing and in about 15-minutes, I felt my stresses slipping away and feeling very relaxed.. I would describe it as feeling like I got a massage for my mind. Mahalo for the great experience Sandy. I can’t wait to return. I highly recommend trying this out for aches, pains, stress etc…

  • My time in the harmonic egg was deeply relaxing, peaceful, and rejuvenating. Sandy is attentive and welcoming and takes the time to ask questions and listen so she can customize your session to focus on your needs. Once inside the egg you lay back in total comfort and are immersed in the sound healing and soft colored light. I highly recommend this experience to anyone who is interested in wellness, health, and healing, or just needs a vibrational reset.

  • I am fortunate enough to have access to the LIFT at my workplace, Island Dolphin Care in Key Largo, Florida. Being a very holistic-oriented mother of a two-year-old son I quickly became interested in the kind of energy healing the LIFT has to offer. One to two hours a week I have the ability to rest my body inside the LIFT and take the time to reset. After the past six weeks, I have noticed a positive change in my work/life balance. Now I am always looking forward to my next peaceful session. At Island Dolphin Care we provide dolphin-assisted therapy to clients who have special needs or disabilities. I am excited to share my success story with the LIFT and provide a new form of therapy, light and sound therapy, to the clients I work with.

    Alex Hoagland - Island Dolphin Care

Brain Support

  • The Harmonic Egg is an amazing experience that I recommend to everyone. It is incredibly relaxing and has helped me to be more introspective and thoughtful.

  • "As a competitive endurance athlete. Doctor of Oriental Medicine, and co-owner of a successful healing center for the past 10 years. I continually search for holistic forms of medicine that safely supports myself and our client's systems to function optimally. The Harmonic Egg offers a powerful customized combination of vibration. light therapy. and sound therapy that gently activates the body's energy systems to improve circulation and promote regulation of stress hormones on a cellular level. It has become a regular part of my weekly maintenance plan because I have not only experienced improved performance and recovery time, but my overall immune function, energy. and quality of sleep are better too! | highly encourage taking time to invest in your health and experience the healing benefits of the Harmonic Egg for yourself. In a stressful world where our nervous system is on overload. give yourself the gift to go "in utero" with the Harmonic Egg. It's time to fully relax. quiet the mind, and reset your sympathetic nervous system. Your body and spirit will thank you."

    Dr. Yeonsoha Yu

    DOM, Co-Owner of Perfect Pair 4 Balance, Creator of NHMTR and

    Meridian Activation Protocol.

    CAT 1 XC Racer, TMBRA ist Place, Gortex Transrockies Trail Runner

  • "Your place is one of the most healing serene therapies I have done in years. Having the experience of the Harmonic Egg was so unique and revolutionary. I think my patients noticed more than I did. Several asked me what I was doing because my energy and demeanor had shifted so much with the few sessions I did. I am hoping to be able to get back to see you soon! Blessings to both of you." Gay T

  • As a practitioner of western medicine, I have found that it does not have all the answers. In fact, it falls short, and can cause harm to the body. The science behind the therapeutic, healing effects of sound and vibration combined is well documented. If it can cause regression of Alzheimer's plaques in mice, it can definitely heal other physical ailments! While we're at it, it can heal nonphysical ailments as well! An example I can give is the warmth I felt during a session, which occurred in a small area of my body specifically where I have pain. I have not had pain there since, and that was two weeks ago. Overall, the amazing feeling I had after just one session was unlike anything I'd felt before. I just felt GREAT! I firmly believe energy is the medicine of the future, which is now! Sandy is also one of the very best humans I've ever had the privilege of meeting. She walks you through the session very thoroughly beforehand and afterward sits to discuss the experience and sort of "process" it with you. I felt so valued and cared for. I cannot say enough about Sandy and the Harmonic Egg as an invaluable treatment modality.

  • I met the Harmonic Egg when I was traveling in Thailand. “Need relief?” And some other phrases caught my eye and I just thought “OK, let’s give it a try.” Honestly, I didn't expect that much from one session, because it takes some time, especially in terms of mental issues. After the session, the only words I could say is “Wow.” It felt like anxiety, worry, and depression that I’ve got, disappeared from the depths of my heart. Now I know what “psychological stability” means, and all of my negativity or depression seems gone. I am pretty sure that I'm in a mentally healthy state.

    Thanks to Harmonic Egg, my attitude toward life has changed in positive ways. I thought a lot about how to express this experience, but it seems that there is a limit to expressing it in words. If you have a chance to visit Thailand, you must experience it. - Yujin from South Korea

Illness & Disease

  • "Harmonic Egg

    What can i say! You feel like you are going off in space, you enter this chamber your chair tilts back and I always choose a blanket for myself! Once the colors and the music of your choice begins it is as if your body comes to life and you are having this completely unique and awesome experience with yourself! Sometimes I have had a lot of body sensations, imagery work such as seeing pictures or images or completely travel into another world or my favorite sanctuaries! Once I even had one of the worst migraines ever and within 5 minutes it went away miraculously. I love that there is a huge binder full of what you would like to give attention to and there are associated musical instruments and colors that may help enhance and heal whatever you would like to work on! When the session is complete I feel like I just had a massage, like something was released, or that I just woke up from the deepest sleep I have ever

    had! Very rejuvenating and magical!" S.C. from Rancho Cordova, Ca

  • "The experience is a restorative emotional and physical response to light and sounds, promoting a sense of internal balance and well-being. It uses frequencies, vibration, sound and light waves to bring the body back into balance from a world filled with chaos. Everyone has stress and trauma in their lives, most visits to the doctor can be traced back to stress or trauma.

    After the first 10 min in the chamber, I went into the deepest space rest/meditation. It was divine. I'm already jonesing to go back.

    If you want to trip balls naturally, I highly recommend you check this out." Luke Storey, Host of The Life Stylist Podcast

  • "I experienced an all knowing clarity, and a biological clearing of the toxins in my body. The Egg is mirroring mother Gaia's energy." Elizabeth April, Intuitive Channeler

  • "I experienced a profound improvement in my sleep quality following my Harmonic Egg experience. Initially, I struggled with disrupted sleep due to a sore throat and nasal congestion, which left me feeling exceptionally weighed down. Remarkably, after the session, my sore throat has completely dissipated, and I no longer experience any itchiness. Additionally, my nasal congestion has completely cleared, contributing to an overall sense of well-being. I am genuinely amazed by the positive transformation I have experienced, and I extend my heartfelt gratitude to the Harmonic Egg team for this remarkable improvement in my health and sleep." -Angel

  • My family and I have been experiencing Tremendous Benefits from our time in the Egg!! One example, my husband's vision has improved and he wasn't even focusing on this!! He no longer needs to use a different pair of glasses/prescription for computer work. And, the prescription in his "regular" glasses also dramatically improved!!!! He just picked up his new glasses this week! :) Thanks again, Pina

Pet Health

  • “I brought both my dogs to a session. One is 10 years old, the other 3, and both have suffered from seizures and subsequent OCD behaviors for which multiple standard treatments have shown minimal progress. Cannot speak enough to the variety of POSITIVE changes I have seen after their session in the Harmonic Egg® in just that time! Their seizure events/severity have reduced dramatically, AND their obsessive licking has totally subsided!” Ernesto Velez

  • From the Dolphin organization...I ran a remote session for Lotus on 6/15/23. That afternoon and the day after it was reported to me that Lotus had "fantastic days". Very honored to have been able to serve her. ~Gail Lynn

    "Lotus is 14 years old, born August 27th, 2008.

    She is by far the smartest dolphin and learns new things VERY quickly.

    Just over a month ago, the team at Island Dolphin Care has been providing specialized care for Lotus after her caretakers noticed subtle signs in her behavior indicating she might not be feeling well. A full physical exam was performed, complete with a multitude of diagnostic tests - all of which came back with less than revealing results.

    Recognizing that Lotus still wasn’t herself, the team decided to have a CT scan performed earlier this week. The CT scan revealed some abnormalities in her brain called Hydrocephalus (fluid on the brain), a rare condition in cetaceans. We are all hopeful that Lotus can recover from this condition, and her veterinarians and care team are giving her the best fighting chance with daily treatments to help reduce related symptoms, as well as continuing to perform diagnostic testing to determine the cause of the fluid.

    Since Lotus was born at IDC 14 years ago, she has been a source of hope and inspiration for children and adults with special needs, abilities, and conditions.

    She is also very connected to her trainer Krista, who has worked with her since the age of 2y/o."

  • My horse was kicked in the chest by another horse. The wound took six months to heal due to fly season and I could not keep the wound covered. Several months later, in the heat of the summer, she develop a two inch by one inch cyst in the exact spot of her previous wound / kick area. After a few days of being concerned about it, I thought I would get her a remote session at Life Center in Colorado to see if we could clear it without getting the vet involved. The proof is in the photos! On the second day, the cyst was gone, and she just had some skin hanging where the cyst was. On the third day, the skin was hardly sagging at all. One remote session saved me hundreds of dollars (maybe thousands) in vet fees, all without giving her more trauma. ~Gail

  • After a few remote Harmonic Egg sessions: "Now it's been 3 days of PURRING with Merlin!!! And he has found his voice! When I first adopted him, he would "meow" but nothing came out. Then he would squeak. Now, he actually talks! And he's pretty communicative now! And before when he very rarely purred, it was almost inaudible. Now, when he purrs, I can hear it! I think he's purred more in the last 3 days than in the last YEAR!!! He's changed thanks to the Harmonic Egg. ~Leilani

  • “I had a dog mom whose dog ate lead. She was lethargic throwing up diarrhea hadn’t eaten for days. The mom’s Harmonic Egg session was scheduled so I told her to bring a picture of her dog and we would do a heavy metal detox. By the time she finished her session and went home, the dog was moving around, eating, and by the next day she was 100% back to normal.” Tina K